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How to answer the recruiter’s question: “Who do you see yourself in 5 years?”

How not to answer

There is no universal correct answer to this question. But obviously false will be:

    To say that you know nothing about it or have not thought about it yet.
    To answer that you do not know what will happen tomorrow, not to mention such a long-term perspective.
    Talk about the personal and touch a little professional.
    Talk about entrepreneurship.

These answers will not like anyway. After all, you come to the company to help it develop, and you yourself must strive for a new one. Of course, you can laugh it off by answering something like: "Celebrate the fifth anniversary of your question." But after all the same, it’s better to go on to a reasonable answer.
What is the best answer finds a deliberate answer of three components.
1. Show the right amount of ambition

Most employers are pleased to know that their employees have a desire to grow and develop. Healthy ambitions should always be shown, but it is important not to overdo it.

The potential leader most likely will not want to take you to the position if you declare that you plan to take his place in 5 years. Even as a joke. To the best of ambitious, one can consider the following answer:

“I want to study the intricacies of this industry and become a professional in it.”

But remember that even moderate ambitiousness may not always be an advantage. Especially if the company expects that it will suit you to work 5 years in one position without any career ups. If you really claim this position, you should not talk about ambitions that are not there.
2. Show interest in learning

Many people do not know what they want to do tomorrow, not to mention the prospects of several years, but you can always express a desire to learn and grow in a certain field.

Tell us about some aspect of your working life that you would like to improve. Maybe this is a field of knowledge in which you have little understanding and would like to learn more, a foreign language or some courses - any interest and desire for knowledge.

Also, answering this question, you can ask someone you know and ask the recruiter how long this position has been open and where the one who occupied this position 5 years ago is now.
3. Explain how similar your goals are to company goals.

You need to prepare for an interview. At a minimum, look for company information on the Internet. It’s good if the company has an actual site with which it is easy to find out the purpose and mission of the organization. This is key information for the applicant - here you understand whether you are on the way with the company or not.

Select a few points from the company's mission that resonate with your goals, and note how you plan to achieve them in the company’s ranks in the coming years. For example:

“I like what your company invests in the development of its employees. In five years I would like to manage my team in the organization and help each member of the department to develop. ”
Neutral answer

The neutral answer to the question “Who do you see yourself in 5 years” looks something like this:

“I do not have a concrete plan of who I see myself in 5 years. But I would like to move forward. I am flexible, so I will do the current work to the best of my abilities and keep my eyes open for opportunities within the organization, even if this means a change in position. I also understand that life is more complicated and varied than we can now assume, but I will do my best to grow within the framework of the existing company in a number of directions. ”


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